Membership Pause
Terms and Conditions

To request a pause for your membership, please ensure that you meet the following stipulations:

  1. We require a notice period of 7 days for a pause to be processed.

  2. Pause requests must be for a minimum of 7 days and no longer than 8 weeks.

  3. Pause requests cannot be backdated.

  4. Each member is entitled to one pause request per quarter. If you require more than one pause per quarter, a $15 service fee will apply.

Membership Pause Form

How a Pause Membership Works
Your memberships are debited on a 2 week cycle.  
When a pause is in place, it extends your billing cycle for that particular membership by the amount of time paused.

For example let's look at John's direct debit schedule for his membership in the month of December.
In the month of December, John's membership direct debits are due on the following days:

10th of December
24th of December

John is going away on holidays during this time and submits a Pause Membership which looks like this:

Start date: 11th of December

End Date 11th of January

John's direct debit that is due on the 10th of December will still go through, as his pause starts on the 11th of December as per his request.  However John's next billing date will be on the 24th of January as his pause has extended the billing cycle for this membership by the amount of time paused.

Please note that if your direct debit comes out on a specific day of the week, your pause will impact this cycle.